Saturday, June 11, 2011

E3 2011: Battlefield 3 hands-on

This is a serious, strategic shooter with some awesome environmental destruction

Is there any company in the world that understands the intricacies of large-scale multiplayer map design, better than Dice? On this evidence, I doubt it. Here, EA was showing off playable code of Operation Metro, a pummelling example of the game's Rush mode, which requires one team to hold a series of bases, while the other side attacks. If a base is taken, the frontline moves back to a new location, and so on. It's familiar stuff, but taking place across a beautifully recreated Paris, it is a commanding experience.

Dice was keen to point out the game's combination of micro-destruction (ie degradable cover objects) and big set-piece demolitions including collapsing houses and falling building facades. Frostbite 2 can handle both with aplomb. We were also introduced to the game's four new character classes. Assault is the classic infantryman, but Dice has added more versatility by adding medic capabilities allowing the character to heal himself and others amid the frontline combat. The Engineer is there to repair vehicles, but he can also be equipped with interesting kit, such as an underslung torch that illuminates darker areas (it's possible to shoot out lights in certain environments), but will also temporarily blind enemies that stumble into its beam.

The Support class is the standard heavy weapons guy, but with one addition ? he can now mount his weapons on a bi-pod, providing stability but also considerable suppression capabilities. Interestingly, when a player lays down effective and consistent covering fire on a position, any nearby enemies will experience visual distortions as their combat awareness drops. If a player is shot by a team-mate while you're suppressing, you get a share of the points. Finally, the Recon class is a modernised sniper, adding the ability to hold the character's breath for a steadier aim. This class can also launch UAVs to spy on enemy positions, so it's not just about camping and headshots. Naturally, there are highly customisable load-outs for each class with lots of slots available for extra kit.

In Operation Metro, it's US marines versus Russian Spetsnaz solders. The battle kicks off in a park near the Eiffel Tower, with small hills providing cover, and snaking pathways to work down. When this base is taken, the action moves into the Metro system. Suddenly the gameplay is much more focused and claustrophobic, with players fighting among the stalled trains and along the narrow tunnel system. Out on a platform, there are some stunning shootouts in a station area, with machine gun fire tearing chunks out of stone pillars. Then we're out again, into a tight, urban area surrounding the finale of the level, the Paris stock exchange. It's an exhilarating 10-minute romp. The opening section feels like the standard Battlefield open rural area, with lots of running between intense skirmish points, but the underground sequence feels like a co-op version of a linear single-player level. It's an effective mix, that will demand really flexible team tactics.

Vehicles will also play a part. This infantry-based level will feature armoured personnel carriers, and every available model can be customised with different weapon setups as well as useful equipment such as night sights.

Dice has updated its dog tag feature, too. Each player in the game will wear these identifiers and they can now be customised with a range of in-game stats such as the number of kills you have with a knife or sniper rifle. When a player is killed, the attacker can remove the tags and view the stats, bringing some detail and personality to each encounter.

Visually, this is something of a benchmark, with awesome environmental destruction, mixed with clever lighting, smoke and particle effects. The aiming and weapon handling feel more challenging than a Call of Duty title, with plenty of kick from an assault rifle. It's a serious, strategic shooter that wants players to get to grips with their own skills, and their own place in the team hierarchy, rather than running about like a headless chicken firing an AK-47 from the hip. It is, in short, what we expect from Dice. It is very promising.

? Battlefield 3 is released on 25 October, on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 © Guardian News & Media Limited 2011 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds



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