Saturday, April 2, 2011

Verizon iPhone Most Acquired Handset in February

We like comScore they provide good data and shed light into the real world market statistics of the mobile industry. Today they released their latest data from the comScore MobiLens service, which reports key trends in the mobile industry using a three month average.

Highlights of their survey of 30,000 U.S. mobile subscribers found Samsung to be the top handset manufacturer overall with 24.8 percent market share. Not surprisingly, Google Android led among smartphone platforms with 33.0 percent market share. The report also points out that the Apple Verizon iPhone was the most acquired handset in February.

As far as OEM’s (original equipment manufactures) go during the past three month’s Apple saw the largest percentage gain going from 6.6% to 7.5% market share. All but Samsung took a slight dip over the past few month’s (chart 1). Keep in mind that chart showing OEM market share includes feature phones as well as smart phones.

The report also points out some key data points about smart phone platform market share for the past three month’s.

69.5 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones during the three months ending in February 2011, up 13 percent from the preceding three-month period. Google Android grew 7.0 percentage points since November, strengthening its #1 position with 33.0 percent market share. RIM ranked second with 28.9 percent market share, followed by Apple with 25.2 percent. Microsoft (7.7 percent) and Palm (2.8 percent) rounded out the top five.

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