Plus how to beat Apple, Motorola at risk?, Android outstrips iPhone for desire, no more ET searching and more
A burst of 8 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team
SETI Suspends Its Search For Alien Life
"Sad news for astronomy and for alien research, and even worse news if there is in fact intelligent life out there wanting to contact Earth. The SETI Institute, which operates the Allen Telescope Array in northern Californa (made famous in the Jodie Foster film Contact), says that due to government budget cutbacks, it no longer has the funds to maintain its search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
Once upon a time, the Seti@home network was the most powerful distributed computer in the world.
Mac vs. PC: A Hunch Rematch >> Hunch blog
Qualities observed in people from the Hunch network. This is one that definitely wouldn't attract any comments, right?
How to beat Apple >> kottke
Insightful, and right: the companies that are beating Apple are doing this.
Analyst: 15,000 to 120,000 Xooms sold; Motorola's survival at risk >> Fortune Tech
Rather a big error margin in those sales figures. Anyway: "All in all, Motorola's "competitive fixation" on Apple and Research in Motion is misplaced. Rather than trying to innovate on software, [Global Equities' analyst Trip] Chowdry suggests, "selectively attacking with patents other Android phone OEM's is a better strategy."
Barnes & Noble's Nook Color becomes a full-on Android tablet >>
"Barnes & Noble has touted its Nook Color as 'the reader's tablet' since the product's inception. But after the company announced the launch of an Android OS update and extended features on the device this week, we're not sure what to call it anymore. "E-reader? Tablet? E-tablet? "Version 1.2 of the Nook Color's firmware launched Monday morning, bringing Android OS 2.2 (Froyo) to existing users of the e-reader tablet. The software includes expansions to web surfing on the device, including Adobe Flash and Air support, as well as the ability to receive e-mail."
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide Sixth Edition pdf download ebook >>
"I do not know whether or to what extent piracy is responsible for my declining income. I suspect that the internet and the transition from print books to ebooks has more to do with it than piracy does. But I also suspect that piracy has a non-trivial impact, too. "But beyond the non-quantifiable financial impacts, I can report that, to me, the piracy of my books is profoundly discouraging. When my Ruby book came out in 2008 I was sad to discover that pirated copies were available within a week or so of the book's release. When my jQuery pocket reference came out earlier this year, I was shocked to discover that Google was giving the ebook download sites higher placement than reviews of the book. And now JavaScript: The Definitive Guide is out.. Google will suggest those illegal downloads to anyone who tries to research the book (see the screenshot). I've worked really hard on this book, and I've got to say that this just feels like a kick in the gut."
Nielsen: Android gains, iPhone slips >> Fortune Tech
"In monthly surveys conducted from January to March 2011 -- on either side of the Feb. 10 Verizon launch -- 31% of US respondents planning to buy a new smartphone in the next year said they wanted an Android, up from 26% six months earlier. "Only 30% said they wanted an iPhone, down from 33%. Research in Motion, Microsoft, Palm and Other also lost ground. Americans who plan to buy Nokia smartphones were lost in the round-off error."
Wait, people wanted to buy Palm phones?
Gigahertz? No! What Matters Is the User Experience >> Gigaom
"When you look under the hood of watches, they are just like many technology products, quite complex. Despite what my friends who are watch devotees might think, in the end watches are a piece of jewellery. It doesn't matter if is has 21 jewels or some kind of special material ? what appeals to our senses is how it looks and of course how much it costs.
"The smartphones of today are no different ? they are devices of self-expression. When it comes to these devices, folks who don't obsess with feeds-and-speeds make their purchasing decisions based on questions practical and abstract. Like ? how does a phone look? How easy it is to use? What apps does it have? Can I get Facebook? Can I take photos and can I get email? More importantly, is it cool enough for rest of my friends?
"Whenever I see a company trying to use GigaHertz or dual core chips as a marketing message, I do know one thing ? they don't quite understand how to relate to their customers."
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