Saturday, April 2, 2011

Skype offers prizes to geeks that create a better Skype for Mac

I am not a Mac user so I can?t speak to the validity of this, but apparently chat on Skype for Mac sucks. It seems that it sucks so badly that Skype is asking Mac geeks for help designing something better. I guess the upside to this is if the new version created sucks, they can blame it on the users and not take the heat themselves.

If you are a handy developer sort, you might want to enter this contest because you can win some cool prizes and the love of Mac fans all around if your chat design is better than what they have now. The contest opens a bit more than seven days from now and Skype has a template that you can use to get started. The contest will run over three stages and each of those stages will run for three weeks. Two geeks will be picked at the end of each stage and the winners will be named.

The judge’s choice will be selected by votes from Skype users and the final six winners will go forward for a chance to win the final prize. All three judges choice winners will get an iPad 2, CCS3 for Web Designers, and a year subscription to Unlimited World Extra. The grand prize winner will get their chat design used in an upcoming Skype for Mac release, a 11-inch MacBook Air, an iPad 2, and the years Unlimited World Extra subscription. Three people’s choice winners will get an Apple TV, CSS3 for Web Devs, and the Unlimited World Extra subscription.

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