Plus internet porn debated, Tor on your router?, can net non-neutrality work?, stopping tracking and more
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A burst of 10 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team
Word 2011: Working with the new Find/Replace feature >> Betalogue
"Microsoft's failure to use the contrast between foreground selection colour and background selection colour in the context of the new Find/Replace feature really is a major annoyance, because you can never be quite sure what the focus on, especially if you need to switch between several different documents in your work. (When something is selected in a Word document and you switch to another Word document, the selection highlighting disappears altogether. Microsoft apparently refuses to admit the very existence and usefulness of background selection highlighting.)"
Fascinating, in-depth analysis of Word 2011 for Mac's find/replace feature (or possibly bug). Mac users are extremely picky about user interface design.
Former Googler Launches Disconnect, Browser Extension That Disables Third Party Data Tracking >> Techcrunch
"After 50K active users in two weeks and hitting the top 10 Google Chrome extensions, creator Brian Kennish has left his job at Google to focus on building Disconnect, a browser extension for Chrome and Rockmelt that disables multiple third party data tracking while browsing. In the same vein as Facebook Disconnect, Disconnect prevents major third parties like Digg, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Yahoo from gathering information (cookies) about the pages you go to and the searches you do."
Home Internet with Anonymity Built In >> Technology Review
Smart idea: a router with the Tor anonymising project built in so that your web browsing is anonymous. Except for all the cookies dumped on your machine, of course.
"Evil" URL shortener initiates DDoS attacks >> ClipRSS
Simple enough: you shorten a URL and name a server you want attacked. When people click the link they view the site through an iframe that will keep pinging the target server while the page is open. Nice proof of concept, but you'd a page as popular as Farmville to really take a site down.
Chinese: The New Dominant Language of the Internet [Infographic] >> The Next Web
Not the greatest infographic. And see if you can find the hole in this argument for the definition of "dominant": "China gained 36 million additional internet users last year meaning there are now over 440 million internet users in the country. English has long been the most widely used language on the internet but with Chinese Internet growth rising at the rate it is, it could be less than five years before Chinese becomes the dominant language on the internet."
Bit like French being the dominant language in France?
Who is behind the porn-block campaign? >> Liberal Conspiracy
Who is Miranda Suit? She's the co-chair of "Safer Media" which "campaigns to make media safe for children". By making everything child-like?
Internet Pornography: 23 Nov 2010: House of Commons debates >>
In case you were wondering quite where the 'ban this internet porn' thinking that led to Ed Vaizey's call to ISPs emerged from, here's a debate from last month in the Commons. Lots of debate about 'why', none at all about 'how' - nor about collateral damage or previous attempts.
Google's reading age tool - comparing tech sites >> virtualeconomics
Intriguing: AllThingsD, the WSJ's blog outpost, comes below sites like AppleInsider. One does begin to wonder how rigorous Google's system is - sites like Techmeme (and Google News) come out very highly in the complexity rankings.
ROI blog: Why iPads Make Lousy Christmas Gifts >>
10 reasons not to buy an iPad. Of which about five aren't really "reasons" as such, more lifestyle choices. Still, five rational ones are more than most people can muster.
Dean Bubley's Disruptive Wireless: Why application-specific policy and charging will (almost) always fail
A number of counter-thoughts, of which perhaps the most persuasive is: "Probability of key Internet companies turning the tables on the operator and say 'no, you pay *us* or else we're going to block access to your subscribers, suggest they churn, and give free adverts to your competitors'."
Given that people will be able to get, say, Youtube or Facebook or Skype on fixed lines, that might work. Given that people are being tied into long-term mobile contracts (18 months, 2 years, more..) it might not.
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